Korean Studies Workshop for HASS and Language Teachers
서호주 대학교에서 8월 27일(금요일)에 호주 현지 초중고등학교 역사/사회과학 및 외국어 교사를 위한 한국학 워크숍을 진행할 예정입니다. 워크숍은 면대면 방식으로 진행할 계획이지만 하루종일 실시간 유투브 스트리밍으로도 방송할 계획입니다. 관심 있으신 분들께서는 워크숍 목적, 프로그램, 스트리밍 링크를 워크숍 웹사이트(www.koreanstudiesworkshop.net)에서 보실 수 있습니다. 많은 관심을 부탁드립니다.
The University of Western Australia, in collaboration with the Korea Research Centre of WA and the Korea Foundation, invites HASS educators and foreign language teachers to a free one-day Korean Studies professional development workshop on Friday, August 27 2021.
The Workshops aims to provide opportunities for educators to reflect on how to introduce Asia-related content into the HASS curriculum. It will also outline opportunities for funding and support to establish Korean-language courses in schools.
The Workshop will provide participants with a solid overview of Korean Society, culture, history, inter-Korean relations and Australia-Korea relations.
All participants will receive ready-to-use hand-outs and classroom materials to use in their teaching activities.
All face-to-face participants will receive a Professional Development Course Attendance certificate.
There is no participation fee for the Workshop.