Australian Association of Teachers of Korean2021 teacher workshop (online)
오는 2021년 11월 12일 2시간 동안 개최되는 2021년 온라인교사 워크숍 참가 안내드립니다.
많은 회원님들의 참가를 바라며 참가자 분들께서는 안내사항을 숙지하시어 한국어교육에 유익한 시간이 되시길 바랍니다.
온라인교사 워크숍 참가 안내사항
¨ 워크숍 진행 방식
- ZOOM을 통해 진행될 예정.
- 관심있으신 주제의 소규모 라운드테이블에 참여.
- 발표자 분들과 토론 및 대화를 나눌 수 있음.
¨ 워크숍 발표 주제
- 주제 발표 (소그룹 1): 영화와 미디어를 통한 한국어 교육
발표자: Ass/Prof Andy Jackson & Ms Heekyung Ahn (Monash University)
- 주제 발표 (소그룹 2): 한국 음악을 통한 한국어/전통 문화 교육
발표자: Dr Anna Yates-Lu (Seoul National University)
¨ 워크숍 구성 방식
- 각 주제 발표는 30분.
- 주제 발표 후 60분 간 발표자와 참가자 분들간의 토론.
- 토론내용: 실제 교육 현장에서 대중문화 매체 자료들 적용 방법.
해당 주제에 대해 논의하고 싶은 이슈.
실제 수업 성공 및 실패 사례 나눔.
¨ 참가 등록 방법
- 각 소그룹 선착순 15분.
- 온라인 링크를 통해 신청서 작성.
- 11월 4일 이후에 확인 이메일과 워크숍 zoom 링크 발송.
- 2019-2020년에 회비를 내셨던 AUATK 회원 워크숍 참가 비용 면제.
- 2019-2020 이전 회원이셨거나 새롭게 가입하신 회원, 비회원 참가 비용 $10.
- 참가비 납부에 관해서 해당 참가자 분들에게 개별적으로 추후 안내.
- 워크숍 사전 등록 링크 (오류가 발생할 경우에 다음 링크를 복사하시고 브라우저에 붙어 놓으시기 바랍니다->
워크숍 프로그램
¨ 날짜: 2021년 11월 12일(금요일)
¨ 시간: 오후 4시-6시(시드니 및 멜버른)
¨ 사회: 니콜라 프라스키니(서호주 대학교)
Australian Association of Teachers of Korean 2021 teacher workshop (online)
The AUATK will be hosting an online teacher workshop on Friday, November 12.
This event will be a two-hours workshop hosted through Zoom in which participants can enter into small roundtable (breakout rooms) to listen to experts and discuss together one of the workshop topics. Two topics, introduced concurrently by two presenters, have been thought for this 2021 workshop: film and media in Korean language education (breakout room 1), and Korean music in Korean language education (breakout room 2).
The first part of the breakout room session, about 30 minutes, will consist in a presentation on the topic. The second part of the breakout room session, about 60 minutes, will consist in a highly interactive discussion, where participants will take turn in sharing their thoughts on how apply film/media or music to their classes. Participants are encouraged to bring their own questions and issues to discuss with others. We hope to make this a fun and interactive workshop!
This is a first-come, first-served event to allow all participants to take part actively in the discussion. A maximum of 15 participants for each breakout room will be accepted, so we encourage you to register early. To reserve your seat, please sign up online following the link to the registration form below. After November 4th, a confirmation email containing the Zoom link to the event will be sent to all participants.
REGISTER HERE FOR THE WORKSHOP (if you land on an error message page please copy/paste the following link in your browser:
The AUATK Executive Committee decided to waive the workshop participation fees for members registered in the financial year 2019-2020. The workshop is open to members that paid the membership before the financial year 2019-2020, or to non-members, upon the payment of a $10 registration fee. Details about the payment will be forwarded individually at the end of the registration period.
DATE: November 12, 2021 (Friday)
TIME: 4pm-6pm (Sydney & Melbourne)
PLATFORM: Zoom (link to be forwarded to registered participants)
EVENT CHAIR: Dr Nicola Fraschini (President, AUATK)
Ass/Prof Andy Jackson (Monash University)
Andrew David Jackson is currently Associate Professor of Korean Studies at Monash University, Melbourne, where he has worked since 2017. Prior to this he taught Korean Studies at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He obtained his PhD in Korean history from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London in 2011, and he wrote a dissertation on the Musin rebellion of 1728. He also spent fifteen years teaching English and French language in South Korea, Japan, Italy, Canada, Spain and Scotland.
Ms Heekyung Ahn (Monash University)
Heekyung Ahn is currently teaching Korean Introductory and preparing online teaching materials for the intermediate level as a teaching associate of Korean Studies at Monash University. Heekyung previously taught at the University of Queensland while she was studying for a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics. She has also worked at Charles Sturt University and the Holmes Institute in Melbourne as an academic advisor and learning management coordinator. Prior to coming to Australia in 2012, she spent seven years working in primary schools in South Korea.
Dr Anna Yates-Lu (Seoul National University)
Anna Yates-Lu is Assistant Professor in Ethnomusicology in the Department of Korean Music at Seoul National University. She completed her PhD on the traditional Korean sung storytelling art form pansori, titled ‘P’ansori Today: Reconciling Tradition and Creativity in Modern Society’ at SOAS, University of London. She is also active as a pansori teacher and performer, performing amongst others in Gyeongbok Palace (Seoul), Cadogan Hall (London) and the Élysée Palace (Paris). She is co-author of the textbook ‘Korean Literature through the Korean Wave’, published by Routledge.
