2021년 한국어문화경연대회 (Korean Performance Contest)
□ 추진 목적
한국어 채택학교 학생의 한국어와 한국 문화 등에 대한 관심 제고를 통한 한국어 보급 확산 및 한-호 교류 협력 증진
□ 행사 내용
◦ 접수기간 :
2021. 9. 13(월) ~ 2021. 11. 19(금)까지도착분
◦ 접수방법 : 우편 및 이메일 접수
◦ 참가자격 : 한국어를 정규과목으로 채택하고 있는 초‧중등학교의 한국어과정 학생 응모 가능, 개인 또는 단체 참가 가능
The Korean Education Centre in Sydney is hosting 2021 Korean Performance Contest, inviting students interested in the Korean language and culture to participate in the contest. The details of the contest are as follows: ◈ Background and Aim The aim of this contest is to encourage students (Background or Non-background) who are learning Korean as a foreign language or a second language. The contest aims to make learning the Korean language demonstrate their knowledge through performance and to enjoy the performance of others as well as to compare those performances with their own.
◈ Eligibility The contest is open to all students (Background and Non-background) from Kindergarten to Year 12, who are participating in school-based Korean language learning. ◈ Application Details √ Deadline : Friday 19 November 2021 √ Application Download : eng.auskec.kr → ’Notice’ → ’2021 Korean Performance Contest’ √ Enquiry and Submission Korean Education Centre Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Sydney Suite 601, 287 Elizabeth St Sydney NSW 2000 Email : consyd7@mofa.go.kr
Tel : 02 9261 8033 ◈ Contest Format In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Korea-Australia diplomatic relations, we will give additional points to the works that include related content. ► Artworks
Any form of presentation using the written Korean Language such as reciting poetry, illustrated booklets, drawing or handicrafts. [Note] √ You may choose one of the following topics: ‘Korea’, ‘Korean Culture’, ‘The 60th anniversary of Korea-Australia diplomatic relations’ etc. √ Size of the artwork: no bigger than the size of A3. √ You should submit your artworks with the application form. ► General Performance The subject, content and form of the performance must be related to ‘Korea’, ‘Korean Culture’, ‘The 60th anniversary of Korea-Australia diplomatic relations’ such as Korean traditional dance, musical performance, dramatic performance, Taekwondo, K-pop dance, K-pop song, performing a skit etc. [Note]
√ The contestants must explain about their works for up to 1 minute in Korean before their performance. √ Students may participate as individuals or as a group. √ Length of Performance: 4-5 minutes. √ USB or YouTube links showing his/her performance should be sent with the application form ► Cooking Performance Cooking performance such as making Korean traditional food, introducing my own recipe for Korean food (Or Australia food that you want to introduce to Korean friends) [Note] √ Only high school students (Year7~12) are eligible to apply √ Other notes are the same as those of ‘General Performance’ ※ Due to the continued uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, we will not able to host the final live stage contest this year. ◈ Prizes √ All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation. √ The prizes (vouchers) will be awarded to the most outstanding participants.