Students are returning to school – what are your plans?
Students will return full-time from Monday (01.06.2020), things are going to be interesting. What are your plans for Monday and beyond? We’d like to start a thread here, so you can all see what other schools are planning.
We don't want it to be onerous - we just thought it would be a good idea to check in with each other and see what your colleagues are feeling and planning.
Considerations for the thread:
How are you feeling about students returning full time?
What are you most looking forward to?
Do you have any strategies to share about how to manage change?
Are there new strategies and/or resources that you implemented during learning from home that you will continue with in your teaching and learning programs?
With Stages 4-5, will you start afresh with a new unit? Or will you continue on with finishing the unit students were working on at home?
How will you assess where students are up to in their learning?
Will you consider a stronger focus on assessment FOR learning activities?
Are your Stage 6 students on track?